Education. Communication. Affirmation.

It's our goal to create products that are simple to use, easy to talk about, and can help a range of challenges while encouraging couples to connect with their bodies, and each other. We value an interdisciplinary approach, early intervention, and patient centric care.

We're in this together.

Clinician Info Kit

Free info for your patients

Join our growing community of health care professionals, and receive free materials (they're on us!) with discounts to give to your patients. Let's get the most helpful info into their hands!

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Coming soon to a publication near you!

In a world of misinformation, scientific accuracy is our first priority. We've proudly participated in an IRB-approved study among an endometriosis patient population with the University of British Columbia. Kiwi studies coming soon!


Adherence can be a challenge for even the best clinicians, so as a patient founded company, we proudly champion the bio- psycho- social- approach to pelvic and sexual health. Win, win.

What professionals are saying

"I appreciate that Ohnut is a hopeful, easy-to-try strategy that isn't pathologizing. It's exciting for women post-cancer treatment and their partners too."

Sharon Bober, PhD - Sexual Health Program Founder, Dana Farber Cancer Institute

"There are not many options out there for patients to try on their own, and these tools are a great at-home alternative."

Jessica Shepherd, MD - Director of Minimally Invasive Gyn, University of Illinois

"Particularly with women who have endometriosis, Ohnut can help a lot of couples have comfortable sex again."

Stephanie Prendergast, MPT - Cofounder, Pelvic Health & Rehabilitation Center

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