How to Use Kiwi for Entry Pain
Kiwi is a vibrating massager designed to reliev...
Kiwi is a vibrating massager designed to relieve entry pain and painful sex. But what are the different ways it can be used?
Because endometriosis can cause everything from abdominal tenderness to bloating to bladder problems to deep pelvic pain, it’s super common for people with endo to experience pain during sex.
How to Use Kiwi for Entry Pain
Kiwi is a vibrating massager designed to reliev...
Kiwi is a vibrating massager designed to relieve entry pain and painful sex. But what are the different ways it can be used?
Why you should try having sex with your clothes on
It might sound weird, but hear us out! Having s...
It might sound weird, but hear us out! Having sex with your clothes on can create a sense of safety, excitement, or even taboo.
How to have non-penetrative sex
When you’re experiencing pelvic pain, sometimes...
When you’re experiencing pelvic pain, sometimes penetrative sex isn’t an option. Heck, for anyone, exploring other ways to get intimate besides hav...
The Best Painful Sex Products for Menopause
Menopause and perimenopause (which is the perio...
Menopause and perimenopause (which is the period of time before your period actually stops and your hormones are all over the place) can come with ...
Getting it on feels good, but only once you “ge...
Getting it on feels good, but only once you “get it in.” Does this sound familiar? Maybe you get a burning/tearing feeling that dissipates after yo...
5 things you can do to help your pelvic floor
If you’ve experienced pelvic tension, painful s...
If you’ve experienced pelvic tension, painful sex, needing to pee often or suddenly (otherwise known as urinary frequency and urgency), you may hav...
5 signs you may be in perimenopause
Feeling not quite yourself lately? Tired, irrit...
Feeling not quite yourself lately? Tired, irritable, waking up throughout the night? Maybe it’s just stress, and maybe… it’s perimenopause.
How negotiation and aftercare can help when sex hurts
Negotiation and aftercare are two principles th...
Negotiation and aftercare are two principles that you may never have heard of but can be super helpful in taking your sex life to the next level—es...
Why pleasure is important if you have pelvic pain
Finding pleasure can seem like a distant dream ...
Finding pleasure can seem like a distant dream when you are experiencing pelvic pain. Here's how to get started!
Debunking the top 4 vagina myths
We love busting myths! Especially ones that mak...
We love busting myths! Especially ones that make you feel bad about yourself or like you’re doing something wrong. Because you’re not! You’re just ...
When you think about your vag, do you see image...
When you think about your vag, do you see images of dry deserts or sandy beaches? We hope not, but if that’s the case, you’re not alone!
5 reasons why your vagina is sore after sex
So you and your partner are getting it on and i...
So you and your partner are getting it on and it feels great. But you’re dreading it ending—not because it’s so good, but because you always end up...
How much pain during sex is normal?
In a word? None. There are many myths around pa...
In a word? None. There are many myths around painful sex—from the expectation that the first time will hurt, to the belief that sex just hurts for ...
Why is it called that? Tracing the linguistic journey of vaginal vernacular
Buckle up for a wild ride through the wacky wor...
Buckle up for a wild ride through the wacky world of genital slang. Join us as we lift the veil (or should we say, the fig leaf?) on these inventiv...
Why foreplay isn't what you think it is
By Nicole Guappone Common sexual scripts dictat...
By Nicole Guappone Common sexual scripts dictate that foreplay is everything sexual that leads to intercourse—with penetrative intercourse being th...
The Hottest New Sex Toy: Your Calendar
In many people’s fantasies, their sex lives are...
In many people’s fantasies, their sex lives are a spontaneous, fireworks-filled adventure. Doing it against the walls! Eight different positions at...
How to Have Sex—When Family is in Town
A holiday humping guide
A holiday humping guide
Is it a UTI? Or something else...
Have you ever had a UTI that just wouldn't go a...
Have you ever had a UTI that just wouldn't go away? Or pain during sex that your doctor insisted was a UTI, even though the antibiotics didn't help...
Unfortunately, semen allergies are very real. I...
Unfortunately, semen allergies are very real. If you experience burning, itching, redness or swelling after unprotected sex or your partner ejacula...
I've got 99 problems and a big dick is one: The history of the big dick Pt. IV
It’s time to chat about why the big penis hulla...
It’s time to chat about why the big penis hullabaloo is harmful—and not just for the reasons you’d think.
Don't Like Porn? Try This Instead!
Tube sites aren't doing it for you? You're not ...
Tube sites aren't doing it for you? You're not alone. Try out some of these alternatives!
Why “Bigger is Better” and Other Romance Novel Myths Set Unrealistic Expectations
Romance novels are fun, but they aren’t "how-to...
Romance novels are fun, but they aren’t "how-to" manuals. So while they’re awesome for getting turned on, let’s take a look at how romance compares...
You've been with your partner for a while now. ...
You've been with your partner for a while now. The familiarity and comfort are great, but sometimes you miss those early days of passion and excite...
The truth is, desire comes in many forms, and i...
The truth is, desire comes in many forms, and it's high time we busted the myth that there's only one "right" way to feel horny.
How to Say What You Want in the Bedroom
Chances are you, know what thoughts and images ...
Chances are you, know what thoughts and images run through your mind and turn you on. But somehow you just… can’t… share.
This Simple Activity Can Reignite Your Sex Life
Here’s some real talk about relationships: Your...
Here’s some real talk about relationships: Your sex life is going to ebb and flow. For many (if not most) couples, things are hot and heavy in the ...
Because your hysterectomy was necessary, but pa...
Because your hysterectomy was necessary, but painful sex isn't.
6 Myths About Anal Sex, Busted
Let's bust some butt myths! Because, unfortunat...
Let's bust some butt myths! Because, unfortunately, there are many.
Got Painful Sex? Here’s What to Do
But just because painful sex is common doesn’t ...
But just because painful sex is common doesn’t mean every healthcare professional knows how to treat it—or even talk about it. Luckily, there are e...
10 Everyday Activities That Are Hurting Your Pelvic Floor
While major culprits of pelvic floor dysfunctio...
While major culprits of pelvic floor dysfunction are giving birth and getting older—there are loooooots of everyday things we do that can negativel...
You’ve heard of physical therapy for the rest o...
You’ve heard of physical therapy for the rest of your body! Now get ready for *drumroll*... physical therapy for your nethers.
Debunking the Cervix: Fact or Fiction?
Sometimes it feels like the cervix is a mythica...
Sometimes it feels like the cervix is a mythical creature. The Loch Ness Monster of the reproductive tract. The Bigfoot of the pelvis. The Mothman ...
How one simple game can change your sex life
THE SIMPLEST game ever that can slow down your ...
THE SIMPLEST game ever that can slow down your monkey brain, make it easy to try new things, and allows you to completely and utterly relax (mmm). ...
Why Does Endometriosis Cause Painful Sex?
About 50% of people with endometriosis experien...
About 50% of people with endometriosis experience pain with penetrative sex or dyspareunia. But why and what can we do about it? We talked to the e...
6 Signs You Might Have Endometriosis
If you’ve been suffering from unexplained pain ...
If you’ve been suffering from unexplained pain related to your cycle for a while, you know that wine just isn’t going to cut it. What you might not...
7 Sex Positions to Avoid if You're Experiencing Painful Sex
But before we dive in, it's important to rememb...
But before we dive in, it's important to remember that sex positions aren't one-size-fits-all and what works for one person may not work for anothe...
6 Positions to Try if Sex Hurts
Pain during sex can be caused by a variety of f...
Pain during sex can be caused by a variety of factors, including medical conditions, trauma, or a lack of lubrication. But, whatever the cause, the...
What happens when you’re chronically constipate...
What happens when you’re chronically constipated or frequently straining on the toilet? What do we do then?
5 Stretches for Your Stressed-Out Pelvic Floor
What does stress mean for our pelvic floors and...
What does stress mean for our pelvic floors and how can we fit a little pelvic relaxation into our busy schedules?
Why Does Sex Hurt During and After Menopause?
So why can sex be painful during and after meno...
So why can sex be painful during and after menopause—and what can you do about it?
Menopause isn't always kind. So give a gift tha...
Menopause isn't always kind. So give a gift that keeps on giving to a special someone in your life whose ovaries have retired.
While some people give socks, you’re going to s...
While some people give socks, you’re going to show up with a thoughtful, helpful, lovely gift this year–for the person in your life who’s suffering...
Wouldn’t it be extra thoughtful to get a gift t...
Wouldn’t it be extra thoughtful to get a gift to help ease the (literal) pain of the endo badass in your life?
Why It's Important to Wash Your Sex Toys
When it comes to sex toys, you really have to c...
When it comes to sex toys, you really have to clean them after every use — and, yes, that includes external vibrators. But, luckily, the most impor...
5 Reasons Why Vibration is Helpful if You Experience Painful Sex
While vibrators today are usually considered to...
While vibrators today are usually considered to be sex “toys,” an increasing number of studies are finding that they do, in fact, have health benef...
Are Your Meds Cock-Blocking You?
If depression tanked your libido, wouldn’t it f...
If depression tanked your libido, wouldn’t it follow that the medication used to treat it would bring your desire roaring back? You’d think so but ...
Are My Partner and I Sexually Incompatible?
The term sexual incompatibility isn’t useful if...
The term sexual incompatibility isn’t useful if your goal is to figure out how to have a mutually pleasurable sex life with your partner. Instead, ...
How to Shut Down Anxiety + Intrusive Thoughts During Sex
We talked to Dr. Erica Marchand, PhD and Leigha...
We talked to Dr. Erica Marchand, PhD and Leighanna Nordstrom, MA, MFT-C to help us understand how we can banish those thoughts and feelings—or, mor...
How Do Anxiety and Intrusive Thoughts Affect Sex?
A very special brand of anxiety, intrusive thou...
A very special brand of anxiety, intrusive thoughts are “unwanted thoughts, images, impulses, or urges.” And while it would be wonderful if thought...
Whether you’re reading this at the height of su...
Whether you’re reading this at the height of summer travel season or any other time of the year, here are our Official Ohnut Travel Tips.